Friday, August 15, 2008


So I am sure that most everyone has heard about the young Chinese girl who sang the anthem during the Olympics. The little girl whose voice was used was deemed not cute enough by a Government Olympic oversight committee so they found a "prettier" girl to lip-sync the song.

Back in the U.S. we would simply have sent the less-standard looking child with God's beautiful gift of a voice to Extreme Makeover: Children Under the Knife Edition.
She could have gotten new teeth and everything!!

I think a lot of girls in the United States, me included, had some version of this idea: Meet man, man thinks your pretty, he loves you, you get married in a white dress, sex makes babies and your done. Hoo-rah to all the girls who never did. I don't want to go off on an arm-pit-hair-feminist rant, but...I will.

As long as "men" are the choosers in our global society and "women" are the options, men will set the standards of beauty, whats "normal" and whats not. These standards are false. Lie, lie, lie. There are some men who don't perpetuate those standards. Some men have a humor and acceptance about sexuality and the female form that I have rarely found outside the lesbian community. I know a few and I pray they procreate.

I have asked myself why I don't have Heidi Klum's hair, Julia's smile, Angelina's everything. I see Weight Watcher's, Jenny Craig, Atkins, Nutri System, Ali. Barbie's with ittie-bittie-waists and rappers that...wait a second....

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