Wednesday, August 20, 2008


I'm on MySpace. S.F.W. got me. Lord knows it took her months of heckle but her tireless efforts have finally paid off. Dear S, grace of a butterfly- wherewithall of a cross country trucker. I'm still not sure how she did it.

I am also not sure exactly what to do on MySpace, so I asked her. She said its time to start inviting friends. She's put up my background- a lovely tribute to breast cancer awareness, and posted a Project Runway quote near my picture, which is disturbingly on target with my personality. "Where the hell is my chiffon!" Frankly, I would have chosen a statement a wee bit more macho, but irate femme seems to fit well in this instance. (insert heavy sigh)

I digress. Inviting friends to be my MySpace friend is a bit wacky to me. If I am too selective, then I exclude. If I am too embracing then I am inviting the notorious MySpace drama into my life. Not happening. So- my solution is to limit how many MySpace friends I have. At 10. Doesn't matter which 10. New or old friends. But 10 seems like a lot, right? I mean, I cant possibly keep up with 10 people (or pretend to keep up)- nor, quite honestly, do I want to. I don't even want to get "alerts" about 10 people. How the hell people have 50, 100 friends - or simply allow that many people to look at their shit- blows my mind.

One great idea S.F.W. had was to post book reviews on our MySpace. That sounds kinda fun, seeing as how we discussed the various plots of our recent reads last night for almost 45 minutes.

And away we go.

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