Sunday, August 17, 2008

Cookie & BooBoo

So BooBoo (after the baby bear) is going off to college. She left her parents, serving in the military in Japan for a local University here in Tidewater. She's staying next door with Cookie, her former teacher, until the big dorm move-in day.

I can not WAIT to drop her off Wednesday! She's pretty much the cutest thing ever. I remember going off to college and my mom and grandmother driving away. I handled it all pretty well. But her parents are in Japan- she's grown up on an Air Force base in another country and she frequently says she's "studying in the States". Like she's studying abroad or something. I guess, in a way, to her she is. I would be crying a lot. She's surprisingly sturdy.

It amazes me what 18 year olds can do. Little babies, so sweet and naive and then BOOM, out of no where they say something as if they were a highly aware 30. Go figure. After all, just this weekend I was the 30 year old whose grandmother popped her on the head for trying to juggle kiwi in the grocery store.

They were begging for it- I sware.

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