Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Frickin' Google

It seems if you google Duncan Hunter and/or California 52 Congressional District my last post will eventually pop up. More than a few of these surfers are Dumb Duncan Fans and have taken me up on my offer in the November 19th post:

Dear California's 52 Congressional District,

I know you've voted Duncan Hunter into Congress since 1981. And I know he's retiring now and that his son Duncan D. Hunter is hot on his father's coattails. And yes, Duncan D. is a Marine. And yes, you've got a lot of drug crime and maybe you think that he's the man for the job.

He isn't. He's wrong. Scary wrong. He's so wrong that I can't even begin to touch on it here. But I promise- if you write me, I will answer. And not in my typical wild curse-word laden manner. I'll send you the emails and blog pages of really smart people- I mean super smart people. Much smarter than me. Obviously, I have an agenda. But if you believe nothing else- believe that so does Duncan D. Hunter.
Get both sides. At the very least, you'll know your opposition even better.

Dont Be Doop'd,

Well, I came through. And after 47 emails, forwarding them on and having them thoroughly anwsered (like 10 page Law Review anwsered), I have decided to suspend my offer. My super smart politico friends are tired (and really busy as most super smart people are). I am too embarressed to ask for any more anwsers because, afterall, they get paid to think. I'm begging for freebies over here, know what I'm sayin'?

Thanks to Ben. Thanks King. Thanks JennyBenny.
Drinks on me.

The Brookings Institute in Washington D.C. is one of the oldest and most prominent private research institutions in the United States. The scholars of Brookings devote thier lives to the art of thought and logic. They're some of the smartest think-tank motherfuckers I have ever had the pleasure of calling friends. They give us all hope.

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