Sunday, September 7, 2008


If your girlfriend is Deaf, for the love of FUCK, learn sign language.
If your too stupid to learn ASL then don't date her.

I got a phone call last night from someone who is dating a Deaf woman- they we're in the emergency room, and the hospital had yet to get their interpreter in. SO, in the middle of an asthma attack, a young, scared woman was forced to *write everything she needed to convey to the endless stream of doctors and nurses caring for her because no one was there that could understand her.

Learning Sign isn't hard. Its a visual language which makes it more entertaining than say...picking up Arabic in your spare time. There are free classes everywhere. I, myself, took classes from the Mormons in the MLK Library in Washington D.C.
Weird? Sure. Quality education? Most def. Pun intended.

Point: If you care about someone and you profess to want to devote your life to them, it might be a good fucking idea to learn how to communicate with them in a complete, efficient manner. Asking someone who is Deaf to lip read for the rest of their life is exhausting. And no matter how "great" they claim to be at lip reading the fact of the matter is that if your in a stressful situation i.e. the EMERGENCY ROOM, having a fight, buying a car, giving a speech, sitting with her parents for the first Christmas dinner- lip reading wont cut it.

She bought you a fucking BMW.
She cries when you go out of town for the weekend.
She sucks in her stomach, worried that you will notice that she's missed the gym for a week.

Give a little back. Twerp.

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