Aaaahhh, Love. Big smiles, beautiful brides, babies, flowers, hugs and kisses...
Panic attacks, screaming in-laws, sobbing sisters, drunk dates, and stolen glances at your ex.
It's a Wedding!!
I am terribly upset. Terribly might be an understatment. "Mad as a wet hen"? Pissed as shit? Nothing seems to fit. I was so excited to go to this wedding- to see two people who I think so highly of commit their lives to one another and then...THEN I decided to bring a date. You know how when you go out of town with someone for the first time you see them a little differently when you get back. Yeeaaaaaa. Well, how about you just not see them at all?
My date, "Mr. Carsalesman", was wasted drunk- asking for coke- being generally the most obnoxious person EVER- the entire time. And I was devastated. Mortified. Because I just....DAMNIT!!!! It was S's and J's day and damnit, damnit, damnit it was a big deal for me too- I was looking forward to it! I was so happy to be invited and to meet Baby M and Mr. Carsalesman almost blew it for me.
One of these days, Mr. Carsalesman, Baby M is going to be big and strong like his daddy and then he is going to kick you ass for me! Ok...he's not really going to kick your ass because I am going to strongly encourage a pacifistic perspective when it comes to butt plugs like you. But still, we'll talk about kicking your ass. We may even use rude language. If he's, like say, 17. Maybe wait till 18.
I didn't let him come to the actually ceremony. He got ditched. I just couldn't let him be there at one of the most important moments of S's life. It wouldn't be fair. I wanted to sit there and watch the service and celebrate thier love sans any bullshit.
I saw MAR at the reception. I tried not to stare, but I was acutely aware of the fact that she was in the room. I turned back to look at her a few times as I was leaving- I didn't know if she was looking at me but I smiled and she smiled back. I sound like a love drunk teenager. But I'm not in love with her. Certainly, I couldn't be. But I do love her face...and I do love her raspy laugh, her blond hair...
I could go on, but Pride called and said Pathetic was on his way over.
I love a lot about her and it makes me sad that she can not be- or doesn't care to be- a part of my life. We promised we would always be friends- that if it didn't work we could go back to how it was before we were romantic. But it ended in such a shocking- no fucking way - moment that...well, you didn't see that one coming did ya MAR? We got blind-sided and it cost us.
Rejection. Humiliation. It only highlights what a miracle S and J are for one another. And Baby M? Well, it just doesn't get any better than that. Dear Lord, hold S and J through all the crap that comes with love. Help them to remember that the love is always stronger. Amen.
Panic attacks, screaming in-laws, sobbing sisters, drunk dates, and stolen glances at your ex.
It's a Wedding!!
I am terribly upset. Terribly might be an understatment. "Mad as a wet hen"? Pissed as shit? Nothing seems to fit. I was so excited to go to this wedding- to see two people who I think so highly of commit their lives to one another and then...THEN I decided to bring a date. You know how when you go out of town with someone for the first time you see them a little differently when you get back. Yeeaaaaaa. Well, how about you just not see them at all?
My date, "Mr. Carsalesman", was wasted drunk- asking for coke- being generally the most obnoxious person EVER- the entire time. And I was devastated. Mortified. Because I just....DAMNIT!!!! It was S's and J's day and damnit, damnit, damnit it was a big deal for me too- I was looking forward to it! I was so happy to be invited and to meet Baby M and Mr. Carsalesman almost blew it for me.
One of these days, Mr. Carsalesman, Baby M is going to be big and strong like his daddy and then he is going to kick you ass for me! Ok...he's not really going to kick your ass because I am going to strongly encourage a pacifistic perspective when it comes to butt plugs like you. But still, we'll talk about kicking your ass. We may even use rude language. If he's, like say, 17. Maybe wait till 18.
I didn't let him come to the actually ceremony. He got ditched. I just couldn't let him be there at one of the most important moments of S's life. It wouldn't be fair. I wanted to sit there and watch the service and celebrate thier love sans any bullshit.
I saw MAR at the reception. I tried not to stare, but I was acutely aware of the fact that she was in the room. I turned back to look at her a few times as I was leaving- I didn't know if she was looking at me but I smiled and she smiled back. I sound like a love drunk teenager. But I'm not in love with her. Certainly, I couldn't be. But I do love her face...and I do love her raspy laugh, her blond hair...
I could go on, but Pride called and said Pathetic was on his way over.
I love a lot about her and it makes me sad that she can not be- or doesn't care to be- a part of my life. We promised we would always be friends- that if it didn't work we could go back to how it was before we were romantic. But it ended in such a shocking- no fucking way - moment that...well, you didn't see that one coming did ya MAR? We got blind-sided and it cost us.
Rejection. Humiliation. It only highlights what a miracle S and J are for one another. And Baby M? Well, it just doesn't get any better than that. Dear Lord, hold S and J through all the crap that comes with love. Help them to remember that the love is always stronger. Amen.
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