Thursday, October 30, 2008

I think I'm in love.

HOLY HELL, it finally happened.

I got flag'd on Craigslist.

For all the times I have appropriately flagged some skeevie horn-ball for posting an ad that starts with "Cum over for some hot..." in the Platonic WFW section!

For all those times I have flagged "Help me transfer my money into your account...from Uganda." in the Employment section!

This is the thanks I get. And, to add insult to injury, all this for commenting on my SOLAR TOILET interest*. Of all things, I get flagged over toilet talk!

Some person put an ad/comment/discussion thing up on Craigslist and had a question about solar toilets. I decided to chime in and sent a link to my solar out-house blog post. Instead of writing a long drawn out post (stop rolling your eyes), I decided to simply say "Solar out-houses, a great alternative- check out my toilet blog on".

Well, some post'er (tag name "jazzy_jeep3000"...dumbass) said it was a tacky attempt to try to get people to go to my blog and flagged my ass!
I have been accused of hor'ing out my website! By someone named "jazzy_jeep3000."
Please be kidding. All I can do is envision some asshole driving a gas guzzeling, jacked out Jeep with foot-high lifted 32 inch tires, a KC top-mount light rack and a Calvin-pissing-on-Chevy sticker in the back window (right next to thier McCAIN-PALIN sticker).
Have you nothing better to do jazzy_jeep3000 than harrass someone trying to do a little for the planet?
I, of course, had nothing better to do than blog about an out-houses.
Quite possibly, we're equal.


Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Woah. Dude. Woah dude.

Ok, so I know. I know I post all too often about some art-form and then tear it to bits because it either A) skeeves me out or B) pisses me off (beside...don't artist like to evoke emotion?!) but this time its different.

Have you ever seen "Reverse Graffiti?" This one is by Scott Wade. Not only does it highlight a medium thats right under our noses- yet for obvious reason often overlooked- it makes what some consider unsightly amazing.

This shit right here- best thing I've seen all year. And I should know. I have mind numbingly important opinons when it comes to visual media.
My Art 101 proff said so in 1998.

Photo Credit: Reverse Graffiti: Activist Art Extraordinaire. Johanna Smith for The Huffington Post. 2008

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


I notice little children everywhere I go- particularly babies. Blame it on whatever you like- "that" time of life, hormones- I see them all the time. Cute ones, naughty ones, pudgy ones, black and white, I like 'em all.

Typically I think they are cute and then I comment on their cute little clothing. Other times however, I grind my teeth and pray that the bottle recklessly shoved in their little mouths will quiet them long enough for me to eat my meal in peace. My writing, at present, is about an experience to the latter.

This morning when KT and I were loading up her bundle of gear into the car we heard the not-so distant scream of an infant from across the parking lot. As KT heaved her work gear vests, helmet and a duffel bag full of necessities into the backseat of her truck, I watched patiently over her shoulder while a young mother tugged on her baby, desperately trying to free the child's fitful foot from a tangled seat belt. All the while, the unfazed mother's shoulders and back strained under the weight of a large carry'all bag and what looked to be a portable crib. A balancing act fit for an Olympic Game.

Just moments before, KT and I had finished collecting our things to leave the house. At a morning hour that began with '5' and ended with who-the-fuck-knows, my body was screaming at me for a few more hours of sleep. We were up early and in a hurry- KT had training to get to. As I watched her heave the heavy weight of her gear onto her shoulder and fumble for her keys to lock the door behind her, I silently remarked how steadfast she endured her job requirements. She respected the weight of her responsibility too much to complain about its burdens.

Closing up the car, KT and I briefly met eyes and over the cries of that exceptionally frustrated baby and KT quietly remarked something to the effect of "I'm glad that's not me this morning." I nodded in barely awake body didn't want to handle that kid either. We were happy to be on our side of the parking lot.

I trotted off to my car, with nothing in hand but my purse and I smiled. Granted, at that moment, KT wasn't about to trade her bags for that screaching infant. But would that mom have traded places with KT? The twenty pound portable crib for the ten pound bullet proof vest? Probably not.

So here we have two woman- experiencing the same thing- from polar ends of the feminine equation. And me? I was the neutral variable, somewhere stuck between, "wow, I wish I had a big fat gun" and "wow, I wish I had a chubby little baby".

Thankfully, neither KT, the baby momma, nor I have to make exclusive choices. We can be bullet-proof-vest-wearing mommies, armed with a Glock and Gerber.

And being American, we'll take it to go, please. We're on a tight schedule, gentlemen.

Check out Working Mother's article ranking America's top 100 best companies for having your cake and eating it too.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Weird Craigslist

KT and I are looking for a coffee table for the living room. The hunt began on Craigslist.

For obvious reason, we went for one at Target.
If ever something begs the what-the-fuck question, this does.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Can I Vote on YOUR Marriage Now?

I like words and as I may have mentioned in previous posts- I admire linguists who delve into the subtle nuances of language.

A favorite saying, with regard to the definition and usage of a word: "A cliche has never been defined 'a cliche' because it rarely happens."

And I love acronyms- federal finance and military acronyms have their own dictionaries. A couple simple ones that I am almost sure your familiar with:
AMEX American Stock Exchange

F.U.B.A.R. fucked up beyond all recognition

Acronyms are the playful side of hell-of-a-mess word strings and hence, I always seem to get off topic with them. The point of this post is to discuss why acronyms are even used to begin with. Because while playful, they are also a careful way of saying convoluted, sometimes offensive, titles and phrases. You would think politicians would be all over them! Consider: here is a way to,

A) sound smart (because if you use acronyms often and the right way you sound way brilliant) B) have very few people understand what your saying
C) awnser the question without answering the question!


I think Joe Bidden should use more acronyms. How about this one Joe? DOMA. Thats the Defense of Marriage Act. Its Clinton's often overlooked greatest grand stand fuck-you to homosexuals. Its the only thing that can trump his cute little Don't Ask Don't Tell.

And why must marriage be defended you ask? No, no: its not the ever escalating divorce rate. You see, its the word that needs defense, according to this years Democratic ticket. For them, the word 'marriage' conjures up emotions...heterosexual emotions. And images....heterosexual images. And they, understandably, feel very protective and possessive of those emotions and images. Words like 'rape', 'abortion' and 'holocaust' will also invoke emotions, just on the opposite side of the swing set. Those words can make us digusted or angry. You get the idea.

Obama-Bidden believe that same-sex couples (Jesus, can we just say gay? Its like three letters ya'll.) are entitled to the same constitutional/legal benefits as heterosexual couples. They do not, however, wish to redefine the 'civil' definition of marriage. Hence, Joe and Obama would both have to say, and have said, "No, I do not support gay marriage." They would be those jackass'es that shake our hands and say words like partnership and union.

My point is that while there is nothing wrong with words like partnership and union- nor anything incrediably marvelous about the sequenced letters m'a'r'r'i'a'g'e, you, my politician, do not have to define any of those all. Its not your place.
Certainly, there are some words that you, as my public servant, must define. You are charged with upholding the definitions, usage and application, of words like liberty, justice, equality, and humanity just to name a few. But by suggesting that you somehow can control the word usage of marriage, its defintion and application, you offend me. And then I laugh because....*sigh....oh fuck sake...

I'll tell you what Joe- lets "keep it simple stupid". You use whatever goddamned word you want. And I'll use whatever goddamned word I want. And, in all seriousness, I applaud you using whatever word that you understand and thats makes you feel most secure. Perhaps a word that doesn't challenge your heterosexually homogenized dictionary. Then I will, yet again, call it whatever I damn well please.

We need a revolution people and we ain't got no King.
Or Queen.
How 'bout Kween?

Three simple words can describe the nature of the social revolution that is talking place and what Negroes really want. They are the words "all," "now," and "here." MLK

We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal,
that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness--That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the the Consent of the Governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive to these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such Principles and organizing its Powers in such Form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness
. . . . Thomas Jefferson

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

New Running Theme - Weird Craig's List

I love

I truly think you can find just about anything on Craig's List. I've found apartments, furniture, concert tickets...uuuhhhmm....

trust me, the list goes on.

While clicking craigslist, I often run into some of the strangest items on earth. Then I copy/paste the pictures and send them to my friends. They claim to think its as funny as I do, so I am going to start posting some of the weirdest things here. All can enjoy.

Damn. I cant write for shit tonight. This reads like a stoned high school freshman writes.

Nevertheless...this "thing" below freaks me out.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaahhh! Its a doggy baby!!